Sunday, August 10, 2008


You say that modern society is good because people are free in it, they can do what they like when they like. Well sincerely that`s crap, not true. We are chained as the slaves were. Chained by mass media, the church, the government with one word SOCIETY. This thing which has a constant pressure on you, forces you to think what everyone else thinks, otherwise he`ll excommunicate you, it manipulates you and by these things it chains you. If you want to be a respected, normal citizen you have to do what other people do and do it how they do because that`s the socially accepted way...So in this free society to be normal means to do everything in a socially accepted manor. And who made those rules? Why do I have to accept them? The only way you can be free is to be an outcast, so rebel!

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