Saturday, March 14, 2009

Daily routine

Get up. Survive. Go back to bed.
The daily routine I have had.
Now it`s a bit different, hell,
I just get up and do well.
Improvement you can say...
A correction if I may!
I`m doing well `cuz I`m addicted,
I just do as it was predicted.
Down, down the slope I go
Further down I meet a ho,
Look at the bright side!
I might find the bottom, right?! But who the fuck cares?
I drink as much as my kidneys bear
I smoke as much as my lungs support
I guess this concludes my report!
Bye people, I love you all!
My life`s a failure, dysmal.

You do voodoo

Don`t know what you do,
But for me it`s voodoo!
You somehow bewitched me,
How I cannot see.

You are in my mind, my heart
This I really don`t mind, but...
But at least let me nearer,
Closer, my dear.

Don`t know what you do,
But for me it`s voodoo!
You somehow bewitched me,
How I cannot see.

Somehow I am obsessed,
Not at all depressed,
You just light my fire,
You`re my desire!

Don`t know what you do,
But for me it`s voodoo!
You somehow bewitched me,
How I cannot see.

Footnote of DeadslayerX: Who do the voodoo? You do?

An endless beginning

Spring. A booming race of beauty.
Beauty. A new being , a new life.
New life. A depressing need for love.
Love. You are my love, you are my spring.