Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Living easy

It`s September 15th, school started. The freshmen timidly enter their classrooms, divide into groups or get to know each other. As time passes the new-comers are incorporated into the lively flux of school blood a.k.a community. So for those who know nothing of high school traditions shall be know enlighten because the 12 graders started to organize the freshmen`s ball. The unaware 9. graders woke up when the schools Mr. Popularity walked in and his eye was drawn to the other end of the classroom where a beautiful blonde girl was sitting. He came to ensure that the 9.A knows about the ball...He calmly walked down the center row of the class and started a conversation. Her name is Magnolia. Mr. P.(opularity [get used to the abbreviation:D]) thought that this beauty of the school would be a fine addition to his collection of "scalps".[to be continued...]

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